Using Slide Cart with Bold Subscriptions

Slide Cart is compatible and can be used with Bold Subscriptions. It should mostly work out of the box, but an additional snipped needs to be added in order to fix the prices in cart.


1. Make sure you've installed the fast-install snipped. Detailed instructions can be found here.

Once the pr-requisites have been met place the following snipped below the fast install snipped.

  window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = function (cart) {
    if (
      typeof window.BOLD !== "undefined" &&
      typeof window.BOLD.common !== "undefined" &&
      typeof window.BOLD.common.cartDoctor !== "undefined"
    ) {
      var c = cart
      var newCart = window.BOLD.common.cartDoctor.fix(cart)
      for (var i = 0; i < newCart.items.length; i++) {
        var item = newCart.items[i]
        c.items[i].line_price = item.line_price
        c.items[i].original_line_price = item.original_line_price
      c.total_discount = c.total_discount + (cart.total_price - newCart.total_price)
      c.total_price = newCart.total_price;

If you need help or it's not working, do not hesitate to reach out.

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