Why is my theme’s cart count wrong?
The theme cart count might not always be in sync when adding/removing products from the Slide Cart.
Although this isn't the default functionality of our app, we understand the importance of fully integrating Slide Cart with your theme.
Most of the time, this can be achieved by adding the data-cart-count attribute to the Cart Count HTML, which is usually found in the header.liquid file.
You can find it by using the search tool (CTRL+F) and looking for cart.item:
The data-cart-count needs to be added to the <span>
element right before the {{ cart.item_count }}
. It would look like this:
<span aria-hidden="true" data-cart-count>{{ cart.item_count }}</span>
This method will work for most themes, but in case it doesn’t, we have more detailed guides below. Find your theme and apply the suggested changes.
Not comfortable making code edits? Please contact us at slidecart@apphq.co and our team will be happy to perform this edit for you.
Find your theme:
- Dawn / Spotlight / Sense / Refresh
- Debutify
- Expanse
- Showcase
- Turbo
- Impact
- Prestige
- Empire
- Streamline
- Impulse
Dawn / Spotlight / Sense / Refresh
Follow the steps above to add the data-cart-count to the cart.item element. In addition, within the same element in the header.liquid file, follow the following steps:
Right above the {%- if cart != empty -%}
line, add the following code:
{% if settings.slidecart %} {%- if cart == empty -%} <div class="cart-count-bubble"> {%- if cart.item_count == 0 -%} <span aria-hidden="true" data-cart-count>{{ cart.item_count }}</span> {%- endif -%} <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'sections.header.cart_count' | t: count: cart.item_count }}</span> </div> {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%}
The end result will look like this:
Finally, add the following code to the settings_schema.json file on line 10.
{ "name": "Slide Cart", "settings": [ { "type": "checkbox", "label": "Slide Cart Edits", "id": "slidecart", "default": true } ] },
This adds a checkbox in your Theme Settings that allows you to enable/disable the changes.
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = function(cart) { var el = document.querySelector(".cart-link__bubble"); const sc = document.querySelector("#slidecarthq .cart-count"); var num = document.querySelector(".cart-count"); var cls = 'cart-link__bubble--visible'; if(!el &&!sc) return; cart.item_count > 0 ? el.classList.add(cls) : el.classList.remove(cls); sc.setAttribute("data-cart-count", ""); num.setAttribute("data-cart-count", "") }
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = function(cart) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('cart:build')); } </script>
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_LOADED = function(cart) { const el = document.querySelector('.cart-icon--basket1 .w3_bg, .cart-icon--basket2'); const sc = document.querySelector("#slidecarthq .cart-count"); if(!el && !sc) return; el.setAttribute("data-cart-count", "") sc.setAttribute("data-cart-count", "") } </script>
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_LOADED = function(cart) { var el = document.querySelectorAll('.cart_count') if(!el) return; Array.from(el).forEach((e)=>{ e.setAttribute("data-cart-count", "") }) } </script>
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = (cart) => { var el = document.querySelector(".count-bubble") var cls = 'opacity-0'; const sc = document.querySelector("#slidecarthq .cart-count"); if(!el && !sc) return; cart.item_count > 0 ? el.classList.remove(cls) : el.classList.add(cls); sc.setAttribute("data-cart-count", ""); } </script>
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = function(cart) { var el = document.querySelector(".Header__CartDot") var cls = 'is-visible'; const sc = document.querySelector("#slidecarthq .cart-count"); if(!el && !sc) return; cart.item_count > 0 ? el.classList.add(cls) : el.classList.remove(cls); sc.setAttribute("data-cart-count", ""); el.setAttribute("data-cart-count", ""); } </script>
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
window.SLIDECART_LOADED = function(cart) { var el = document.querySelectorAll('.cart_count') if(!el) return; Array.from(el).forEach((e)=>{ e.setAttribute("data-cart-count", "") }) } window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = function(cart) { var el = document.querySelector('.site-header-cart--count') var cls = 'visible'; if(!el) return; cart.item_count > 0 ? el.classList.add(cls) : el.classList.remove(cls); el.setAttribute("data-header-cart-count", cart.item_count) }
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_LOADED = function(cart) { document.querySelector("body").classList.add("cart-has-items"); const cartLinkBubble = document.querySelector('.cart-link__bubble'); const cartLinkBubbleNum = document.querySelector('.cart-link__bubble-num'); const visible = 'cart-link__bubble--visible'; if(!cartLinkBubble && !cartLinkBubbleNum) return; cartLinkBubble.classList.add(visible); cartLinkBubbleNum.setAttribute("data-cart-count", cart.item_count) } </script>
For this theme, it is not necessary to follow the initial steps described in the article. All that you need to do is add the following code to the theme.liquid file, underneath the <body> element:
<script> window.SLIDECART_UPDATED = function(cart) { var el = document.querySelector('.cart-link__bubble') var cls = 'cart-link__bubble--visible' cart.item_count > 0 ? el.classList.add(cls) : el.classList.remove(cls) } </script>