Using Slide Cart with Replo Landing Page Designer.

To integrate Slide Cart with the Replo Page Builder app, you’ll need to adjust the Replo settings to trigger Slide Cart.

Replo has a complete guide for the configuration in their app, but in general, you need to follow the steps below.

  1. Locate and click on the add-to-cart custom button -> click on the Settings button, and click the Interactions tab on the right-hand panel.

  1. Make sure that the Add Product to Cart interaction of your add-to-cart button has both "Go to cart after?" and "Go to checkout after?" disabled, if they're not, disable them and click Save.

  1. Click on the "+" in the On Click menu and add an interaction called “Run JavaScript” for each custom add-to-cart button. Here’s a reference GIF:

  1. Once you’ve added the "Run JavaScript" interaction, insert the following code in the Launch code editor option and make sure to save it; if done correctly, the new Run Javascript interaction should display below the "Add Product to Cart" option.

Then, publish your Replo Page, and that should do it!

If Slide Cart is still not working, feel free to reach out to us.

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