What are Tiered Rewards?

Cart Rewards are available for premium (Growth, Pro, and Enterprise) users only. Once you have upgraded, the setup will be easy.

To enable your rewards, look for the Features tab and find the Tiered Rewards section.

In this section, you'll find several options to customize your rewards. Let's go over each of the fields.

  • Milestone type: You can select either Cart Total or Item Count. Cart Total means you get rewards based on how much you spend, and Item Count means you get rewards based on how many items you buy.
  • Position: You can change and position of the rewards module and place it either on Bottom or on Top in the cart.
  • Style: You can add or remove the icons of the different rewards.
  • Auto-add free gift to cart: by enabling this option, the products that are given as rewards will be automatically added to the cart.

Keep in mind that the auto-add option will not work with products that have variants since we don't know which item the customer will pick, and we don't want to randomly add an item for free.

We can recommend that you:

  • Pick only one variant as the free gift if you want the auto-add option to work.
  • Disable the "Auto-add free gift to cart" option if you are offering several products or several variants.

Once you are ready to create your different tiered rewards, these are some important fields to fill out:

  • Milestone to hit: this is the amount needed for the customer to unlock the reward. It will change depending on the milestone type that you have chosen.
  • Reward text shown on bar: this is the message that will show in the rewards bar.
  • Text before reward met: is the text displayed before the customers unlock the reward. This should be something motivational (Example: Spend $15 more and receive free shipping!)
  • Text after reward met: is the text displayed once the customer has reached the minimum. If you're using auto discounts you can say something like "Congrats free shipping unlocked". If you are using coupon codes you can say something like "free shipping unlocked! Use code FREESHIP at checkout".
  • Change Shipping Text if reward is met (default text is "Calculated at checkout"): Enable this field if you want to change the shipping row once the minimum is met (Example: "Calculated at checkout" > "Free").


Keep in mind that you need to manually create an automatic discount or coupon code to match your settings in order for the rewards to work correctly. We highly recommend using automatic discounts over coupon codes. You can get more information on our guide here: Tiered Rewards.

Once you've edited your settings toggle the enable checkbox and save your settings.

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